VIU Movie series, Monday 30: La Notte di San Lorenzo

Posted on: March 26th, 2015 by intern No Comments

VIU Movies series: La notte di San Lorenzo

Monday, March 30, at 5 pm in room 9A.

locandina notte_di_san_lorenzo

A film by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani.
Winner of the Best Film Prize and the Critics International Award at Cannes.

The film follows the inhabitants of a town near Pisa during the end of World War II. Defeat is certain for the Germans, and the front is retreating back to Germany, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. The Germans plan to bomb several buildings in the town, and have told all the villagers to congregate in the town’s church. Approximately half of the town decides to stay, and place their trust in the church. The rest of the town dresses in dark clothing, and go out to seek the Americans, who are rumored to be nearby liberating towns as they come to them.




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