Visit to MOSE barrier system

Posted on: May 11th, 2018 by intern No Comments


Friday, May 18, 2018

Meeting Point: 9 am, San Zaccaria – line 20 boat stop OR 9.20 am, Celestia boat stop

The visit is compulsory for students enrolled in the courses:

S1817 Globalization, Environment and Sustainable Development
S1825 Climate Change and Forced Migration


1 forte_santandrea



9 am - meeting at San Zaccaria and transfer (walking) to Punto Mose (Arsenal of Venice)
9.45 am - Lecture at Punto Mose
10.45 am - Visit to the MOSE by private boat
1 pm - Estimated time of return to San Servolo


Some Info
Mose barriers consist of flap gates, installed in the bottom of the inlets, that allow to separate temporary the lagoon from the sea during an event of high tide. They are part of a project intended to protect the city of Venice and the Venetian Lagoon from flooding, through an integrated system consisting of rows of mobile gates installed at the Lido, Malamocco and Chioggia inlets that are able to temporarily isolate the Venetian Lagoon from the Adriatic Sea during high tides.
The project has met resistance from environmental and conservation groups because of the costs to the Italian State of construction, management, and maintenance, which are said to be much higher than those for alternative systems employed by the Netherlands and England to resolve similar problems. According to these groups, the environmental impact of the barriers are severe, not just at the inlets where complex leveling will be carried out and the lagoon bed reinforced to accommodate the gates, but also on the hydrogeological balance and delicate ecosystem of the lagoon. The NO MOSE front also emphasises what could be a number of critical points in the structure of the system and its inability to cope with predicted rises in sea level.

Find more info on the MOSE Website



VIU Movie series – Il Caimano

Posted on: May 10th, 2018 by intern No Comments

Monday, May 14, Room 9A, 5pm

il caimano


Directed by: Nanni Moretti                            Starring: Silvio Orlando, Margherita Buy and Jasmine Trinca
Release date:  2006                                          Genre: Comedy-drama
Running time: 112 minutes                            Language: Italian with English subtitles

Bruno Bonomo is a film producer who hasn’t made a film for years. He’s separating from his wife and his studio. At a retrospective showing of one of his B-movies, young filmmaker Teresa presses a copy of her new script into his hand. Bonomo reads the script distractedly and agrees to produce the film. He doesn’t understand that it’s a serious political piece about the rise of Berlusconi.


Every Monday

Posted on: May 7th, 2018 by intern No Comments

This week TEA 2B with Professor De Vido

De Vido Tea2B

Come and join us every Monday for informal academic conversations, tea and biscuits!

This Monday we will have a conversation conversation on gender stereotypes, wage gap and gender-based violence: thoughts,
interests and research paths of Prof. De Vido!


Past Mondays:

Monday, May 7, 2018


This Monday we had a conversation on the situation at EUSP, on the state of Russian academia, on the ongoing and future

activities of EUSP Energy Policy Research Center and professor Titov’s research projects and interests!

Monday, April 30,2018



This Monday we had professor Partner talking about his book on Yokohama, a microhistory of Japan’s revolutionary 1860s and their profound consequences for Japanese society and culture.

VIU Movie Series – Mimì Metallurgico

Posted on: April 27th, 2018 by intern No Comments

Monday, April 30, Room 9A, 5pm


Directed by: Lina Wertmuller                        Starring: Mariangela Melato and Giancarlo Giannini
Release date 1972                                           Genre: Comedy, Drama
Running time: 125 minutes                            Language: Italian with English subtitles

Set in both Sicily and mainland Italy, the film follows the adventures of a man nicknamed Mimi. Mimi is a poor labourer who is pressured by his employers to vote for the mafia candidate in a local election. Frustrated by the system and assured that the ballot will be secret Mimi votes for the communist representative instead. However he is fired and assured he will never work again as the ballot was not secret. Disgusted Mimi flees to Turin, while his wife, Rosalia, stays in Sicily.

Memory walk (Percorso della Memoria), visit to the Ghetto and the Jewish Museum

Posted on: April 18th, 2018 by intern No Comments

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Meeting point: 10.15 am Campo San Canciano, Cannaregio (see map)

The visit is part of the course for the students of:
S1801 History of Venice (Prof. Pes)  
Globalization, Ethics Welfare and Human Rights (Prof.Romania)
The costs are sponsored by VIU for students of these two courses.

- 10.15 am: A walk through Italian history of resistance in Venice: Campo San Canciano – Bruno Crovato; Ponte dei Sartori-  Luigi Borgato; Calle Priuli – Giuseppe Tramontin; Fondamenta San Felice – Ubaldo Belli; Calle Colombina – Piero Favretti; Campiello del Magazin – Augusto Picutti; Corte Correra – Manfredi Azzarita.

- 11.30 am: The cortege arrives to Campo del Ghetto Nuovo, where the Jewish Museum of Venice is situatedCommemoration at the monument in memory of the Shoah.
- 12 pm: Visit to the Synagogues and Jewish Museum of Venice (meeting at 11.45 am in front of the Museum)

Extra participants (subject to availability): the walk is free, while the cost of the visit to the Jewish Museum is 10 € for under 26 y.o. (12 € over 26 y.o.).
To confirm your participation, please sign the roster and bring the fee at the Front Office before Tuesday 24 at 3 pm.

VIU Movie Series – Don Camillo

Posted on: April 13th, 2018 by intern No Comments

Monday, March 26, Room 9A, 5pm

Don Camillo

Directed by Julien Duvivier            Starring Fernandel and Gino Cervi
Genres comedy                            Release date 1952 (Italy)
Running time 109 minutes             Languages Italian

In a village of the Po valley where the earth is hard and life miserly, the priest and the communist mayor are always fighting to be the head of the community. If in secret they admired and liked each other, politics still divided them as it is dividing the country. And when the mayor wants his “People’s House”; the priest wants his “Garden City” for the poor. Division exist between the richest and the poorest, the pious and the atheists and even between lovers. But if the people are as hard as the country, they are good in the bottom of their heart.
Its success led to producing sequels, creating a saga for Don Camillo’s character.

VIU Movie Series – La Notte di San Lorenzo

Posted on: March 22nd, 2018 by intern No Comments

Monday, March 26, Room 9A, 5pm



Directed by: Paolo and Vittorio Taviani                    Starring:Margarita Lozano and Omero Antonutti
Release date 1983                                                          Genre: Fantasy war drama
Running time: 105 minutes                                           Language: Italian with English subtitles

“A distinctive and restless force in European cinema for more than 35 years, the Taviani brothers mastered an eloquent stylistic bridge between Rossellini’s stringency and Fellini’s braggadocio.

1982′s The Night of the Shooting Stars remains their premier achievement and arguably the best Italian film of the ’80s. Fantastic and episodic, this saga of Italian villagers roaming the Nazi-upended countryside searching for the liberating armies combines doom, magic and absurdism with spectacular confidence. This mid-career masterpiece (told as mythopoetic flashback by its six-year-old protagonist, now grown into parenthood) is a traumatic oral history seen from the inside out”.

Michael Atkinson, The Village Voice



Introductory Lecture to Venice Lagoon Trip, March 30

Posted on: March 22nd, 2018 by intern No Comments

Wednesday, March 28, Classroom 9A, 5pm


The lecture will be delivered by Prof. RITA VIANELLO, Ca’ Foscari University, Anthropologist of the Sea, author of books about Pellestrina’s fisherman and on the Gondoliers

Professor Vianello, who did extensive field work in Pellestrina, will introduce to us the Culture of the Fishermen of the Lagoon and to their perception and reaction towards the massive environmental transformation induced by the building of the Mobile Dams (MoSE).

N.B. The lecture is compulsory for students enrolled in:

S1801 History of Venice
S1810 Port Cities in the Age of Empire

Lecture open to the public: all students and faculty are invited to participate.

Boat trip to Venice Lagoon, March 30

Posted on: March 16th, 2018 by intern No Comments

Murazzi, Pellestrina and Ca’ Roman

Friday, March 30, 2018

Meeting Point: at Zattere/Gesuati at 9.15 am


During the trip we will visit:

– The Industrial Port of Venice;
– Pellestrina island and the Museum of the Lagoon;
– Murazzi;
– Ca’ Roman Natural reserve.

Bring your own packed lunch since the lunch break will be at the natural reserve Ca’ Roman by the beach.

Return expected at about 5 pm in San Servolo/San Zaccaria.

N.B. The visit is compulsory for students enrolled in:

S1801 History of Venice
S1810 Port Cities in the Age of Empire

Visit cost covered for students enrolled in S1801 and S1810 course

Extra places are available for any other student and professor interested!

Extra participants: 10 euro/person including transportation & entrance tickets.
To confirm your participation, please sign the roster and pay the fee at the Front Office before Tuesday 27 at 3 pm. First come, first served basis.

The trip will start with a visit to the Industrial Port of Venice, so as to understand how this essential part of the city developed, and where we might briefly see the MOSE. We will then turn towards Pellestrina, a small island long 13 kilometers and wide 240 meters, often referred as a miniature of Venice. Here we will visit the small Museum of the Lagoon, where we will learn about the flood of 1966 and the role of fishermen in the history (and future) of this city. After learning about the sea wall (murazzi) we will go to Ca’ Roman, where we will have lunch and see the natural reserve, a unique combination of different habitats.


VIU Movie series – “Il Caimano”

Posted on: December 1st, 2017 by intern No Comments

Monday, December 4 – 5 pm – room 9A

il caimano


Bruno Bonomo is a film producer who hasn’t made a film for years. He’s separating from his wife and his studio. At a retrospective showing of one of his B-movies, young filmmaker Teresa presses a copy of her new script into his hand. Bonomo reads the script distractedly and agrees to produce the film. He doesn’t understand that it’s a serious political piece about the rise of Berlusconi.

Directed by: Nanni Moretti                            Starring: Silvio Orlando, Margherita Buy and Jasmine Trinca
Release date 2006                                          Genre: Comedy-drama
Running time: 112 minutes                            Language: Italian with English subtitles