VIU Movie Series – “Il Caimano”

Posted on: May 13th, 2016 by intern No Comments

 Il Caimano

Monday, May 16, at 5 pm, Room 9A

« In Italia non c’è più opinione pubblica. Non parlo dell’opposizione, ma di qualcosa o qualcuno trasversale ai partiti, che comunque si riconosca in comuni valori democratici»

Il caimano


By Nanni Moretti
starring Silvio Orlando, margherita Buy, Michele Placido
112 mins, color
Italian with English subtitles

Bruno Bonomo is a trash movies filmmaker who is going through a deep crisis: his company is failing as well as his marriage.
The only thing that keeps him going on is the script of a young girl, Teresa, who wants to produce a movie entitled IL CAIMANO with the intention to tell the story of the politician Silvio Berlusconi…


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