Friday, December 2, 2016
Villa Barbaro and Villa Emo

Meeting point: 8.30 am, Venezia Tronchetto (in front of ACTV main office)
This visit is compulsory for students attending the course F1603 Art and Architecture in Renaissance Venice, it is highly suggested for students fom F1625Training in UNESCO World Heritage Studies and it is open to all interested students and faculty. To participate, please sign the list posted in the classroom corridor by Wednesday, November 29.
We will visit Villa Emo and Villa di Maser, located in the countryside of Treviso province. They are two among the greatest masterpieces of the architect Andrea Palladio.
Transportation will be by private bus arranged by VIU.
Students attending the courses Art and Architecture in Renaissance Venice and Training in UNESCO World Heritage Studies will have their visit sponsored by VIU.
For all other students and faculty, the total participation fee is 12 €, due at the Front Office by Thursday, December 1.
Villa Emo: this villa witnesses the strong bond existing between the Venetian nobleman Leonardo Emo and the Fanzolo lands, which he wished to improve in order to foster crop production and livestock breeding. He commissioned there to Andrea Palladio the design of his mansion. Since 1996, Villa Emo has been conserved as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto.
Villa Barbaro is a UNESCO World Heritage Site as well. With its six rooms frescoed by Paolo Veronese, it hosts one of the most important works of art of the Venetian Renaissance. Not only does it represent a fascinating artistic and historical heritage, but it is also a working house, whose wines are exported all over the world.