Spr. 2014 visits & pictures

Posted on: March 4th, 2014 by intern No Comments


Spring 2014 Closing Ceremony

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Lido Bike Tour, May 30th

P5300349  P5300351  P5300354   P5300357

Trip to the Palladian Villas, May 23rd

P5230447  P5230429  P5230390  P5230349

Trip to the Port of Venice, MOSE and Sant’Erasmo, May 2nd

P1150604   P1150630    P1150563  P1150634

Visit to H-Farm, April 4th

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Trip to Vicenza, April 4th

P4040316 P4040306 P4040303IMG_1293P4040299

Visit to Magis & Uno Contract, March 28th

 P3280295 P3280296 P3280297 P3280284 


Night Visit to San Marco, March 24th

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Trip to Padua, March 14th

P1010235 P1010250 P3140260 P3140267

Visit to the Doge’s Palace, March 7th

P1010173 P1010202 P1010227 P1010232

Field trip to Ca’ di mezzo, February 28th 

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Visit to Barovier & Toso Glass Factory, February 21st.

P1010128 P1010129 P1010127 P1010133


Berengo Studio Glass Factory, February 21st.

P1150377 P1150382 P1150385 P1150349

Visit to Venice City Libraries, February 19th.

P1150303 P1150324 P1150323 P1150316